The humble apple an ingredient for many wonderful delights over 100's of years. Its versatility is somewhat its weapon.
There are around 150,000 tonnes of apples grown per year in the UK turned into pies, picnics, cider & many more. The humble ingredient can easily be integrated in baking, fermented and juiced which has made it a really popular flavour inclusion.
The Apple originally grown in Central Asia made its journey along the silk road to Europe and then the Americas and now has over 7500 different varieties.
A key product of Apples is cider this is partly due to many of the varieties being too sweet to eat without going through the fermentation process. In the UK we may have the French to thank who came to Briton and implemented the familiar wine style process but on apple juice creating a better tasting more elegant product. Cider often has negative connotations due to its relative cheapness compared to other products and its therefore popularity with Drunkards and wrong-ens.
I now wanted to look at some of our some of our favourite apple products and those close to heart. Firstly Apple juice a fantastically crisp and sweet drink which is equally at home on its own or as a carrier of amazing cocktail flavour or base of a smoothie. Its a great way to easily access the health benefits of an apple and again its relative price makes it a really popular beverage.
We all have the memories of an apple crumble, the one where every mouthful evokes homeliness and warmth. Hence its become a popular artisan flavouring from chocolate to pastry & ice cream to our humble shortbread.
There's also a huge amount of future innovation in apples, so keep going humble apple and conquer the world.